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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Recent Photos / Photo a Day >> february_2005 > February-24-05
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February 24, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard


Hamilton, Ohio

This is the municipal power plant where my husband works. The city of Hamilton runs it's own utilities. Tony received his Electrical Engineering degree from UC, and has been at this plant since shortly after getting out of the Navy in 1988. We pass it a lot, as it is close to our house, and I have always meant to take a night photo when the stacks were going, so tonight I stopped for my PaD.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dave Beedon 05-Jun-2005 04:38
Nice colors!
Ian Clowes25-Feb-2005 23:28
always makes me think of H. Simpson :)