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Laurence Matson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Just Animals > Brachypelma smithi
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Laurence Matson

Brachypelma smithi

Shedding her skin. To do this, she does push ups for about 60 minutes while gently pulling out her appendages.

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mich 15-Sep-2005 22:06
ew!!! gross y would u put an animal like that??
Laurence Matson07-May-2004 06:08
Yes. Just credit it correctly.
Guest 07-May-2004 02:40
very cool image of the red- legged tarantula. I never knew that's how they shed their skin. May I use the photograph for a report? (I wont sell it)
Guest 15-Nov-2003 20:02
incredible colors. great shot. just a very intense picture, thanks to the photographer and his equipment.