These 4 resamplings are of the respective squares in a Color Checker chart from the APS-C 24 MP Sony a6000 (left) and the FF 24 MP Sony a850 (right) ... 200 ISO on the top and 1600 ISO the bottom.
They are at 300% using nearest neighbor in PS to exaggerate what can easily be seen at 100% (and NOT seen in garden variety prints).
Both images were converted from RAW in ACR (a6000 from DNG conversion) with ALL sharpening turned off in the demosaicing process and then the images were sharpened in PS with USM (200, 0.3, 2).
In many ways this is really more of academic interest to most photographers but since I tend to aggressively process my images... these 'bad things' tend to degrade otherwise usable images.
The test was hurried and exhibits abysmal methodology but the results are still illustrative of...something... and, I think, worth sharing. Thus a disclaimer due to my haste:
When 'developed' and white balanced, the a6000 required +1.0 EV and the a850 +0.65 EV adjustment. This does NOT account for the differential, nor the exaggerated 'Parquet floor' look prevalent in the a6000 images.
EDIT: I re-tested; check out my re-test in the next image.