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SAL70-300G vs e16-50_web.jpg

The EXIF data is somewhat misleading in that this is a composite of both the new APS-C Sony a6000 w/ 16-50 kit lens @50mm AND the 5 year old FF Sony a850 w/ 70-300G @70mm, both on a tripod @ f6.3

Both images were converted from RAW in ACR (a6000 from DNG conversion) with ALL sharpening turned off in the demosaicing process and then the images were sharpened in PS with USM (200, 0.3, 2).

I was mainly trying to determine relative lens sharpness in the center and in the corners.

Sony α6000
1/50s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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