I used a Canon A1 camera and FDn lenses for many, many years. I still have that kit and decided to see how these 35 YO manual lenses perform on the a6000.
I was appalled by the output of my FD 200mm f4.0 internal focus prime at any f-stop. At its best (f8.0) it looked much worse than any of my 25 YO Minolta alpha mount 'film' lenses at any aperture on my a850.
Wide open I was flabbergasted at the amazing toy-lens behavior. As an afterthought, while testing some other lenses I tried taking off the original UV/Skylight filter. It looked like it might be degrading and the lens itself was a bit dirty.
In the second round of testing, I arbitrarily started off at f8.0 and here is the comparison. I have included an upper-left insert of the original testing at f4.0.
All at 100% crop.
The black point compensation in the original test required +35 to normalize the color checker chart 'blacks' and after the filter elimination and cleaning, the black point remained at the default.