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ISO3200 a7RII a6000.jpg

This is a 100% crop comparison of noise from the FF Sony a7RII and the Sony crop sensor a6000 where the a7RII has been normalized to 24MP.
As in the previous test, ACR sharpening has been set to '0' and then USM at (200,0.4,2).
What is different, and significantly different, is that ACR9.9 is used here with Process 2012 and not the ACR from PS CS5 and Process 2010 that was used previously over two years ago.
The cameras should have less exposure to best show the noise differential but I had already picked an exposure of f8.0 and 1/125 sec previously as a reference point.

Sony ILCE-7RM2
1/125s f/8.0 at 73.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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