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Mister Pixel | all galleries >> Galleries >> Forum Examples > AA_vs_NonAA_at_360ppi.jpg
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Print this 1950 x 900 pixel image @ 360 ppi on an Epson printer at highest quality settings on premium photo paper glossy.
The resultant image should be 2.917 x 2.5 inches. You should be able to see the difference between these two graphic elements using moderately close inspection.

The upper graphic has been rastered from vector with anti-aliasing enabled and the bottom without. The most obvious difference is in the stair-stepping at the bottom of the circular curves.

Modern Epson printers can delineate finer detail from graphic images prepared at 720 ppi which is presumably the native resolutions of most modern Epson printers.
However in the real world cameras tend to anti-alias high contrast edges like this by the nature of the process, even when shooting with cameras with sensors without an AA filter.
It would take extraordinary circumstances for this not be the case.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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