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Guest 10-Jan-2015 02:28
Hello Geonni,
I read your comments on Norman Rich's art and I have some nice artist proofs from the 60's, before going to auction I thought you might be email address would help to show you what I have.
Guest 11-Aug-2011 20:22
I'm happy to say, all your galleries are open except one. I think I know to see your work again!
Rainy 04-Jun-2010 18:24
Hello Geonni, Looking thru and admiring your work is a wonderful way for me to spend my 81st b'day with you. Our kitty is sitting here watching the pictures too and jumped down when your photo of the roaring cat came on the screen. Keep up the good work!
Guest 25-Jan-2009 08:23
Hello Geonni,
If you can spare some time, I would appreciate very much your comments on the gallery:
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

geonni banner14-Aug-2008 21:27
Guest 12-Aug-2008 16:57
Geonni, You're photos all look stunning, especially the ones of our horses. We really appreciate you taking the time to photograph our facility and we hope you enjoyed yourself. Keep up the good work and best of luck, Golden Gate Fields.
Pawel Kazmierczyk06-Aug-2008 11:48
Amazing galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your galleries - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
Tom Merigan27-Jul-2008 22:05
Glad to see you visited my galleries again I too enjoy your creativity Tom Merigan
Martin Broeze01-Jan-2008 17:08
Love your very creative and divers galleries!!
kimene S31-Dec-2007 02:22
Thanks for stopping by geonni and leaving those lovely comments! looking forward to exploring your galleries further!