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Gecko Paradise | Turtle Paradise | Hawaii - Big Island | Hawaii - Oahu | Europe | Japan | Thailand | Pacific Northwest | California Beaches | California Cities | California Nature | Colors | Moments | Portraits | Prints | Projects | Artist Biography & Statement

Turtle Paradise

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Turtles swimming at sunset Late swim at Kiholo Bay Tropical resting place
Head cushion Just chillin' Tropical nirvana
On Top of the World! Sheltered life Tropical nirvana (closeup)
Harmonious Swim Breath of fresh air Turtles resting at Kiholo Bay
Golden cove Lazy afternoon siesta Playful
Livin' to da max! Harmonious swim at Kiholo Bay (Large View) Turtles resting at Kiholo Bay
Gracefully swimming green sea turtle Swimming in harmony Harmonious swim at the city of refuge
Turtle swimming around snorkelers Green sea turtle resting