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"I never felt
magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew
the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion
in the palm of my hand
or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
brighten my northern sky."

from Bryter layter - 1970

Nikon D70s
1/60s f/22.0 at 130.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Rob Oele11-Jan-2010 22:26
Beautiful!! V
Guest 04-Jan-2010 10:04
wow, this is sooooo wonderful Giancarlo.
Guest 28-Dec-2009 10:04
Très beau comme un voile pudique..V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther03-Dec-2009 09:15
I love this one! Wonderful mood with the fog! V
Ulla Kruys27-Nov-2009 17:22
veraferia26-Nov-2009 19:14
slhoornstra25-Nov-2009 03:32
Great poem, fantastically depicted, so very, very special. BV
Milan Vogrin24-Nov-2009 10:13
Great compo!V!
Sandi Whitteker27-Jan-2009 13:16
Fabulous capture Giancarlo! Wonderfully subtle work, with the beautiful lady of the mist peeking through.
Joanne Kamo24-Jan-2009 02:23
Beautiful dreamy mood with the fog!
Johan Gerrits22-Jan-2009 20:57
The subtile blending gave so much impact to this mystic landscape!!!
Yiannis Pavlis20-Jan-2009 14:16
Composition is unique and environment just exclusive!
Steve Morris08-Jan-2009 18:17
Beautiful scene - very well captured in the mist!!BV
Guest 07-Jan-2009 10:47
So beautiful the way you captured the fog. V
Guest 06-Jan-2009 12:06
Waow...Beautifful ! Big vote. vVv
Bryan Murahashi04-Jan-2009 05:43
A fantastic scene and well photographed.
Guest 31-Dec-2008 02:39
Fantastic composition and great processing! I love that beautiful face in the mist.
Carol How30-Dec-2008 18:05
Fairtytales come true... now the mist is caressing the face - just gorgeous!
Silvia Roitman29-Dec-2008 15:26
silvia marmori29-Dec-2008 15:08
a dream.. wonderful..
a wish from my heart , all the best for you and beloved, Giancarlo.. thank you for all!!
Guest 29-Dec-2008 15:06
Wonderful image!! V
Carol Rollins29-Dec-2008 15:03
Meta29-Dec-2008 11:58
Amazing.Dreamlike. V
Guest 29-Dec-2008 09:03
Magnifica! V
Paco López29-Dec-2008 06:39
Wonderful... V!
an nguyen29-Dec-2008 02:21
Beautiful mood....
PauloCGama28-Dec-2008 22:45
fantastic in all ways!!
marie-jose wolff28-Dec-2008 22:43
wonderful view and beautiful misty mood! V
Guest 28-Dec-2008 22:13
Such a beautiful moment and timing on this great capture..V
Ann...28-Dec-2008 21:42
Peter Sussex28-Dec-2008 21:19
Breathtaking view Giancarlo! Bravo!
Elena28-Dec-2008 20:55
Outstanding picture! Love it! BV
Gerard Koehl28-Dec-2008 20:53
Magnifique... La brume qui laisse juste entre-voir cette église est du plus bel effet. V