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"Time has told me
You came with the dawn
A soul with no footprint
A rose with no thorn.
Your tears they tell me
There's really no way
Of ending your troubles
With things you can say.
And time will tell you
To stay by my side
To keep on trying
until there's no more to hide."

from Five leaves left - 1969

Nikon D70s
1/80s f/4.5 at 30.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pawel22-Jan-2009 15:50
Great photo, V
Carol How19-Jan-2009 09:06
If looks could..... you have such great technique with these portraits! V
Alain Boussac18-Jan-2009 20:03
A great expressive attitude and a very beautiful picture. V.
Guest 14-Jan-2009 09:37
Very expressive portrait and excellent DOF ! Well done. vVv
alfredo camba jr.12-Jan-2009 09:59
Beautiful and expressive portrait! Vote!!
Milan Vogrin08-Jan-2009 20:24
Great model, great photo!V!
Guest 06-Jan-2009 00:15
Very charming portrait with a beautiful background. V
Bartosz Kotulski05-Jan-2009 21:04
beautiful portrait in great scenery,Bartosz
Meta05-Jan-2009 19:34
Beautiful.The poems too. V
Elena05-Jan-2009 14:19
Gorgeous composition! Love the poetry! BV
Joanne Kamo05-Jan-2009 06:29
Very impressive and enchanting image!!
Simon Chandler05-Jan-2009 04:12
Powerful image. Great setting. v
an nguyen05-Jan-2009 00:14
Pensive mood on her face..but it makes a gorgeous portrait...
Peter Sussex04-Jan-2009 20:35
The Lady of the Forest! Precious look, fantastic lights and enviable image!
Luca Zanoni04-Jan-2009 08:10
Gerard Koehl04-Jan-2009 07:50
Tout a fait charmante... V