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Tom Murray | all galleries >> Nature Trips >> Honduras 2011 >> Honduras Coleoptera > Dryopidae - Dryops sp.
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Dryopidae - Dryops sp.

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/14.0 at 100.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time22-Mar-2011 20:43:38
ModelCanon EOS 20D
Flash UsedYes
Focal Length100 mm
Exposure Time1/200 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias0.00
White Balance0
Metering Mode
JPEG Quality (8)
Exposure Programprogram (1)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jim McClarin12-Apr-2011 11:06
I'm guessing from this photo that they came to light for you. What were they using, UV or MV?
Tim Loh 09-Apr-2011 05:07
Another Dryops, possibly a different species than your previous one.