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Della Huff | all galleries >> California >> Exquisite San Francisco > San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge
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San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge

I grew up in Marin County and the Golden Gate is very close to my heart. With this dramatic image, I tried to capture my emotional attachment to the bridge and what it represents to me - though man-made, it is the red heart of the stunning natural beauty of the Northern California coastline. The familiar, elegant sweep of the span is echoed in the shape of the seafoam that laps at its base. I chose sepia to represent the bridge's timelessness.

License to high-resolution image: $25.00

Order 4 x 6 print: $15.00
Order 5 x 7 print: $20.00

Order 8 x 10 print: $40.00
Order 16 x 20 print: $60.00

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/480s f/8.0 at 7.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 22-Jan-2012 17:40
wrong album
Guest 20-Oct-2007 01:03
Beautiful shot and treatment!
Guest 04-Oct-2006 00:47
Wonderful shot, it's great in black and white.
Guest 06-Aug-2006 01:50
Great perspective. Lovely shot!
Guest 03-Sep-2005 20:32
Great angle. Probably one of the nicest shots of the Golden Gate I've seen.
ac02-Aug-2005 16:05
Beautiful, nice and original point of view.
Chris Sofopoulos02-Aug-2005 12:08
Nice angle and tones!
Della Huff31-Jul-2005 03:51
Hmm, well, art is in the eye of the beholder, but what I was really going for was how beautiful the interaction of the bridge with the natural landscape is. I'm not usually a fan of man-made structures in such an idyllic setting, but the GGB is different - the designers were unusually prescient and the design is completely timeless. I think it's the only design that we could possibly have slung across the dramatic bay that actually enhances, rather than detracts, from the natural environment.
suse31-Jul-2005 02:01
PS I forgot to say, the wonderful thing about this shot is that no matter how beautiful the landscape, the beauty of the bridge, made by humans, dominates the picture. Love the angle of the bridge that you chose.
suse31-Jul-2005 01:59
Beautiful shot and great treatment. Perspective 'aint half bad either!
J. Scott Coile28-Jul-2005 17:11
So that's where you've been. You don't stand still very long do you! Beautiful sepia tone!
Gary Hebert28-Jul-2005 05:20
beautiful work Della... I would prefer it level... :)
René Gysi27-Jul-2005 11:25
Beautiful picture with nice sepia tone.
Steven Jusczyk27-Jul-2005 05:48
You caught the wave just right for the composition.
Bryan Murahashi27-Jul-2005 04:33
Beautiful shot of this landmark bridge. Gotta find the time to visit the big city. Voting.
JeremyGood27-Jul-2005 04:13
Beautiful sepia tones and a wonderful vantage point.
Besati27-Jul-2005 03:45
Great angle and composition. Very nice work.
b-w studio27-Jul-2005 02:28
Excellent composition and tone. very nice.
Guest 27-Jul-2005 02:15
Great perspective indeed. My folks live about a half-mile further down the beach. I hike down to the very spot you took this from every time I go visit. Someday, the light will be right and I'll get one of these of my own.
Mindy McNaugher27-Jul-2005 00:35
Magnificent shot! Love your perspective! And the sepia toning is perfect! Vote!
joanteno27-Jul-2005 00:15
Fantastic shot! The sepia tone is perfect..
jude26-Jul-2005 23:41
Unusual and creative perspective.. love the sepia toning as well.. a top notch, frameable image.. very well done
Guest 26-Jul-2005 23:31
beautiful image
Guest 26-Jul-2005 22:51
I love the corners.
Allen Chester26-Jul-2005 22:03
Way to shoot! Nice one!
Guest 26-Jul-2005 22:01
I love the toning as well. I have the S7k too and it's a good cam.
Guest 26-Jul-2005 22:01
Very nice shot! I'll have to show it to my mom, she used to go swimming here when she was a kid.
Lee Rudd26-Jul-2005 21:44
now, that isnt in Boston! Nice toning
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