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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Mid 1970's - "Goatboy", Greg Allen and Kent Blanton in the Pier Park parking lot at South Beach
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Mid 1970's Courtesy of "Goatboy"

Mid 1970's - "Goatboy", Greg Allen and Kent Blanton in the Pier Park parking lot at South Beach

Ocean Drive between 1st Street and Biscayne Street, Miami Beach

Thank you to "Goatboy" for contributing this great old image from Pier Park on South Beach. "Goatboy" was born at Mercy Hospital in 1957 and grew up around the area of Miller & Galloway (SW 56 Street & 87th Avenue).

I asked Jeff Levine to identify the location of this photo because "Goatboy" wasn't sure about it and Jeff says:

"Don, that picture sure looks like South Beach to me ... Ocean Drive near First Street. The guys are standing on the east side of Ocean Drive, and the "Playhouse" bar - if memory serves me correctly, is behind them. Next to it was a surfboard shop, and I think a pool room."

"It's right across from what they used to call "Pier Park" and the First Street Pier (as you've noted)."

"Depending on the time frame, that "open air" place next to the pool house was Gino's Pizza... he moved there after a fight with the guy he sub-leased from (the Cameo Sundry Shop next to the Cameo Theater)... The sundries were long gone, but Marty and his wife ran the lunch counter, and Gino [and occasionally his wife Loretta] had the pizza counter in front. BEST pizza I'd ever eaten! However, once Gino relocated, there was no room for a big oven and other equipment, so he switched to frozen dough... which was the end of that great pizza..."
"The store at the far left looks like the Chicken Unlimited."

And Richard Del Papa wrote me on 3/23/17 to say: "Hi Don thank you for bringing memories of old Miami. There used to be a restaurant across from the parking meters called Harry's right behind where these guys are standing and also a small pizza place called Gino's."

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