Jones Shutter was founded by Herbert S. Jones, a native of Nova Scotia, in Miami after the great hurricane of 1926. My aunt, Norma G. Boyd, was Herb's secretary from the early 1950's until 1970 when she left to take a job with the U. S. Postal Service in Hialeah so she would have a decent pension and health insurance when she reached retirement age. My father and aunt were good friends with Herb, his wife Estelle and their daughter Mickey and they often went fishing on Herb's fishing boat. I remember going out on Herb's boat many times from age 5 or 6 onward through my teens, including overnight anchorings out in the middle of nowhere in Florida Bay northwest of Marathon where Herb docked his boat in the later years. I worked full-time for Jones Shutter during the summer of 1965 before they moved from 246 NW 29th Street in Miami to 8105 W. 20th Avenue in Hialeah and part-time during the fall of 1965 before I was hired by Sears at the Northside Shopping Center.