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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1960 to 1969 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1968 - sunbathers at Haulover Beach
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FEB-1968 © 1968 Dave Kleylein

1968 - sunbathers at Haulover Beach

Miami, Florida

Thank you to former Miamian Dave Kleylein (William Jennings Bryan Elementary, North Miami Junior High, North Miami High, and Norland High Class of 1962) for contributing this image.

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Guest 17-Mar-2013 16:12
I think half of my high school class of '65 from North Miami Sr. High used to congregate under the Haulover pier on the friends and I would either ride the bus from N. Miami or drive to Haulover almost every week-end. We could always find a gang of friends under the pier to hang out with and have fun. Oh, what happy was the best of times for kids!
harold martin 30-Nov-2011 16:59
hi! harold again we use to call this the pevillion consession when not surfing we would walk down the little asphalt road right off the sand from haulover pier to sonny isles pier that was what ? at least 2 miles this was about half way between the two piers we would stop get a coke and hot dog sit eat that and continue down the beach this is where the tunnel that ran under collins came out, to change the subject any body remember the drift party boats on the west side of collins across from haulover the best ones to go out on if you wanted to catch fish, were the popeye,hurricane,and misstory i forgot how to spell this i hope i braught back some memories for you!
Don Boyd27-Apr-2010 03:28
Most of Haulover Beach is NOT clothing optional. The clothing optional section is only the extreme north end of Haulover from the tunnel from the marina parking lot on the west side northward on the east side.

kinseeker26-Apr-2010 05:22
That building is near the jetty.
Of course today in 2010 all those people would be nude. Haulover is now officially clothing optional.
Guest 02-Dec-2009 02:46
is this where the pier was? used to go to this beach from the 60's straight through to the eighties. i remember it being called hangover pier in the seventies. always thought the tunnels were cool. did a lot of fishing off the pier.
John Lasseter14-Mar-2008 10:42
Snack bar and beach patrol headquarters.
EJH 08-Feb-2008 02:26
I think that building was the snack bar. We always parked on the west side of A1A and then went in the tunnel under the highway to get to the beach side. I remember kids always yelled the loudest as soon as they got in the tunnel!
Ray01-Feb-2008 03:34
That building is still standing, but it's days are numbered. If anyone wants to get some pictures now is the time. It's going to be replaced by a much larger building to support Miami Dade Fire Rescue Ocean Rescue