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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of 2006 > Jardins de Villandry 16
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May 2006 Select original for best view

Jardins de Villandry 16


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Heloisa 19-Aug-2008 15:59
Que beleza! Parece uma pintura...
Rolande 01-Jan-2008 14:02
Merveilleuses photos : bravo à l'opérateur. Quel appareil photo a pris de si beaux clichés ?
Saskia 03-Jul-2007 21:14
Ahh isn't it beautiful? I think this is the loviest castle I have visited and I fell so in love with the gardens! I want to go back....
Richard Calmes04-Jun-2006 17:25
Terrific composition! Beautiful shot! Vote
Luc VN29-May-2006 14:29
Great light and perfect composition.
Piotr Stankiewicz29-May-2006 14:05
Cette photo est vraiment parfaite!
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