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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Australia >> Best of Australia > Opera House after the storm
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12-OCT-2007 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Opera House after the storm

Australia, New South Wales, Sydney

At dusk, just after heavy rain

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
6s f/8.0 at 31.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yves Rubin25-Feb-2009 21:33
Beautiful focus on this monumental architecture, using light and complementary colors. The blue sky and water are particularly effective.
Bartosz Kotulski11-Aug-2008 09:38
great shot. well composed.really spectacular.
Bill Warren09-Dec-2007 15:11
One of the best captures I've seen the this icon of architecture. Voted
Guest 21-Oct-2007 05:07
Great lighting....I really like this...V
Guest 18-Oct-2007 15:41
Great long exposure. The lighting on the opera house is excellent adn the sky is moody. Voted.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography17-Oct-2007 18:32
Excellent and very nice, Vote.
Guest 17-Oct-2007 16:17
Exquisite capture, i really like this one, Voted.
Manas Khan17-Oct-2007 14:38
Nice shot!
Gert Larsen17-Oct-2007 12:26
WOW. Your best so far. The Opera House is razor sharp against the almost "Lord of the Rings" blue, scary sky.
Jola Dziubinska17-Oct-2007 09:42
Spectacular view, terrific light and tonality. Vote.
rpmayer17-Oct-2007 09:03
Nice image.
Marisa Livet17-Oct-2007 08:37
Wonderful image, the Opera House really looks like a tall ship ready to sail away.
Perfect exposure, perfect choice of perspective...
What are you doing over there?
Don't you feel upside down ;^))???
Zane Paxton17-Oct-2007 07:14
Nicely done!