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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Recent Photos / Photo a Day >> february_2005 > February-15-05
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February 15, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard


Hamilton, Ohio

Got two dozen of these beauties for Valentines Day. They smell heavenly! Not much time available today to play, so this is just a quick macro. I will probably have at least one other shot of them in the next few days. Thanks to my sweetie! Enjoy.

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markvm16-Feb-2005 13:47
Beautiful image, Judy!
Guest 16-Feb-2005 06:35
So soft and beautiful!
Guest 16-Feb-2005 00:52
Just beautiful!
Guest 15-Feb-2005 23:36
Beautiful and please do more photos, it will be awhile before they
bloom in the garden there in Ohio :)
Ian Clowes15-Feb-2005 22:14
2 dozen..... it must be love :)
John Finlayson15-Feb-2005 21:45
Very nice, I did something similar for Valentines