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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Recent Photos / Photo a Day >> february_2005 > February-19-05
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February 19, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard


Hamilton, Ohio

My 10 yr. old getting ready to go roller skating tonight, asked if I could do something "cool" to keep her hair up and out of the way. I don't know if it qualifies as "cool", but we both liked it and it became my PaD!

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C. White20-Feb-2005 04:03
Cool Judy, I tought at first look at the thumbnail it was an abstract of some sort.
Very colorful.
Guest 20-Feb-2005 03:37
I used to do that to my daughters hair on top so I hope it's cool too. :) nice job I like the colored bands.
Guest 20-Feb-2005 02:47
I'd say this qualifies as cool for sure !
Pepe Zyman20-Feb-2005 01:13
Very cool image
CJ Morgan20-Feb-2005 00:09
I think it's extremely cool.