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Kehr Memorial Garden | all galleries >> Galleries >>  the plants... > 'Harold Epstein'
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09-MAY-2003 Bob Stelloh

'Harold Epstein'

Kehr Memorial Garden, Hendersonville NC

'Harold Epstein' (ARS 981): Evergreen azalea. (Witches' broom from 'White Rosebud'). S(c1987) and N(1994): Philip Waldman, Roslyn NY; I(1994): Roslyn Nursery, Dix Hills NY; REG(1997) August E. Kehr, Hendersonville NC. Fls 2-3/flat truss, broadly funnel-shaped, hose-in-hose, fully double (no stamens), c1.8" (45mm) x 2" (50mm) wide, with 409 wavy-edged lobes; white throughout, unmarked. Green calyx lacking. Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 3" (75mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, rounded base, obtuse apex, 0.75" (19mm) x 0.4" (10mm), glossy, deep green. Shrub 0.8' (0.25m) tall x 1' (0.3m) wide in 5 years, dense growth habit. Plant and buds hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Late May. (Note: A. E. Kehr was the originator of 'White Rosebud')

Casio QV-2900UX
1/269s f/3.2 at 7.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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