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Kehr Memorial Garden | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >>  the plants... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kehr Memorial Garden | In Box |  the man... |  the planning... |  the plants... |  the planting... |  the dedication... |  the garden...

 the plants...

Augie had a very wide range of plant interests, including such things as developing heat-tolerant rhubarb and seedless pawpaws. However, his primary focus was on developing yellow magnolias, rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas, and on chemically inducing plant polyploidy with the use of colchicine and pre-emergent herbicides.

He wrote the section on hybridizing azaleas in Galle's Azaleas, and once told a friend he considered his greatest contribution to be the discovery that pollen can be saved for re-use up to years later by drying and freezing it.

Of the many hundreds of crosses he made and the many thousands of seedlings he raised, Augie registered only 11 azaleas, 14 rhododendrons and 31 magnolias. Our goal is to have each of these plants represented in the memorial garden, along with a few others he crossed that others registered, and a few more we know of which have never been named.

To see an enlarged image and information about the plant, click its image, below. (If you have an image of any Kehr hybrid not pictured here, and you are willing to share it, please email Bob Stelloh about it.)
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
578-8A x 'Green Glow'
'Anna Kehr'
'Anna Kehr'
'Blue Success'
'Blue Success'
'Bob Hill'
'Bob Hill'
'Bob Hill'
'Bob Hill'
'Cream Ruffles'
'Cream Ruffles'
'Epoch' x mucronulatum
'Epoch' x mucronulatum
'Epoch' x mucronulatum
'Epoch' x mucronulatum
'Green Glow'
'Green Glow'
'Harold Epstein'
'Harold Epstein'
'Janet Flick'
'Janet Flick'
'Janet Flick'
'Janet Flick'
'Janet Flick'
'Janet Flick'
'Kehr's White Ruffles'
'Kehr's White Ruffles'
'King's Red'
'King's Red'
'Mary Lou Kehr'
'Mary Lou Kehr'
'Memory of Fred Galle'
'Memory of Fred Galle'
'Mountain Marriage'
'Mountain Marriage'
'Mountain Marriage'
'Mountain Marriage'
'White RoseBud'
'White RoseBud'
'Gold Crown'
'Gold Crown'
'Golden Endeavor'
'Golden Endeavor'
'Hot Flash'
'Hot Flash'
M. stellata 'Pink Perfection'
M. stellata 'Pink Perfection'
'Solar Flair'
'Solar Flair'
'Solar Flair'
'Solar Flair'
'Stellar Acclaim'
'Stellar Acclaim'
'Two Stones'
'Two Stones'