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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> 28 Australian trips >> Queensland 2004-2006 (12 galleries) >> Album 5: Lakes and Forests, Atherton Tablelands tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Album 1: Cairns Wedding | Album 2: To Kuranda by Skyrail | Album 3: Cairns and Green Island | Album 4: North from Cairns | Album 5: Lakes and Forests, Atherton Tablelands | Album 6: Malanda, Milk and Millaa Millaa | Album 7: Paronella Park | Album 8: Ballooning at Mareeba | Album 9: Mareeba Wetlands | Album 10: To Sandgate, to Sandgate | Album 11: Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary | Album 12: Springbrook: Lookouts and a Natural Arch

Album 5: Lakes and Forests, Atherton Tablelands

The Atherton Tablelands includes two volcanic crater lakes. Extinct, of course – this is Australia – well, no activity for many thousands of years anyway. National Parks have been proclaimed around each lake. The parks also include forests which were logged in the past for cedar.

Look at
Lake Barrine, Atherton Plateau, Queensland
Lake Barrine, Atherton Plateau, Queensland
On Lake Barrine
On Lake Barrine
A giant Kauri tree, Lake Barrine
A giant Kauri tree, Lake Barrine
Tinaroo Lake
Tinaroo Lake
Cathedral Fig
Cathedral Fig
Lake  Eacham
Lake Eacham
Pademelon, Lake Eacham
Pademelon, Lake Eacham
Brown and green - a tiny creek near our lodge
Brown and green - a tiny creek near our "lodge"
The Big Red Cedar
The Big Red Cedar
Forest detail 1
Forest detail 1
Forest detail 2
Forest detail 2
River crossing; a long drive west of Mareeba
River crossing; a long drive west of Mareeba