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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1940's or 50's - Jack Larry Daughtrey in front of the Bottle Cap Inn on NW 119th Street, Miami
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1940's or 50's Courtesy of Cassi Cummins and JoAnne

1940's or 50's - Jack Larry Daughtrey in front of the Bottle Cap Inn on NW 119th Street, Miami

Bottle Cap Inn, 1293 NW 119 Street, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Cassi Cummins for contributing this old image of her grandfather that her mother JoAnne provided to her. Cassi says that her grandfather was a Marine who attended the University of Miami. He was also a Boynton Beach volunteer firefighter and is now buried in the VA's South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth, Florida.

A photo of the Bottle Cap Inn is located at

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Guest 03-Oct-2024 18:55
Went there as a little kid in the 70's. I'm guessing it's long gone now? Only youtube video I can find is from a movie.
Tressa Perkins 06-Aug-2014 01:00
Thank you Cassi Cummins for this picture.
Ponce De Leon Daughtrey was my husband's Great Uncle.
My husband remembers playing with his cousin Jack Larry.
All are much missed by my husband.
Guest 21-Aug-2010 01:55
My girlfriend and I used to go to the Bottle Cap Inn while in high school. There were thousands of metal bottle caps on the walls and ceiling. Amazing! Pretty good pizza, too.