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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1947 - the Frank Carey family in a raft in Miami Springs enroute to get typhoid shots during the flood of 1947
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1947 Courtesy of Ellen Carey Badonsky

1947 - the Frank Carey family in a raft in Miami Springs enroute to get typhoid shots during the flood of 1947

Miami Springs, Florida

Thank you to Ellen Carey Badonsky for contributing this great old image to this site. Her dad Frank Carey is on the left, Ellen is next to him and looking into the water and her mother Marion Maitland Carey is to her right holding her sister Ann Carey. A neighbor, Dave Robinson, is standing up in the water with his mother Mrs. Robinson sitting in the raft and Ellen's brother Walter is on the right side of the raft.

Ellen says "We were going for typhoid shots. My father carried us through the flood to the next store neighbor's house which was a two story home on Falcon Ave. We stayed there for two days and then the Red Cross put us up in the McAllister hotel in downtown Miami. When we lived on Falcon Avenue our address was 84 Falcon Avenue but it was later changed to 327 Falcon Avenue. I took the black wrought iron mailbox off the house when we moved my dad in with us. The mailbox was a piece of the house I grew up in. It has been on a play fort in my backyard for many years. I'm taking it down next week where I will hang it by my front door inside of my house to hold out-going mail. It will always remind me of my house in Miami Springs."

Ellen says that her neighbor Dave Robinson worked for Embry Riddle and that he was actually a renter for many years in the two-story home next to them. She can remember him flying his small plane over their neighborhood. The owner of the two-story home was Myrtle Coley and that her husband built their home.

Ellen also says: "My father retired from Eastern Airlines after 27 years. When my father was 85 years old (5 years after my mother passed) he moved to Spring Hill, FL. He lived with my husband and me for 10 years. My husband passed in 2001 and then my father moved to Kentucky to live with my sister and husband. Today my father is still enjoying his retirement and playing the horses every weekend on TV with his son in law. He celebrated his 104th birthday last April (2014)." A more recent photo of Frank Carey with his son and his two daughters is located at .

Ellen says: "There is one person that my father used to exchange correspondence with at Christmas. His name was Wallace Weldon. He also worked with my dad at Eastern. The last I heard he lived in Hialeah."

UPDATE: Frank Carey and his family celebrated his 105th birthday on April 12, 2015. Happy Belated 105th Birthday Frank Carey! Ellen says that she talks to him every 3 days, that his memory is very good and that everyone loves hearing his stories of growing up in his young days, especially the grandchildren and great grandchildren. Hang in there Frank Carey!

UPDATE: Frank Carey passed away on January 23, 2016, less than three months shy of his 106th birthday. Rest In Peace to Frank Carey!

HP HP ScanJet 3970

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Terri Brown 19-Apr-2017 02:32
I was looking at some of the pictures on this site & the name, Frank Carey, caught my attention. I think my grandmother, Mary K. Burke, was friends with the Carey family. I remember the name & I am pretty sure I had been to their house in Miami Springs when I was a small child. I know my grandmother had built a house in the Springs shortly after she moved to Miami from Leeds, Alabama. Later she remarried & they lived on SE 7th St in Miami when I was born.
Ellen Carey Badonsky 02-Oct-2016 01:33
My dad passed away last January 23, 2016. at the age of 105. We love and miss you Mom and Dad.