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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Recent Photos / Photo a Day >> february_2005 > February-18-05
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February 18, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard


Hamilton, Ohio

My 10 year old is playing indoor soccer this year for the first time. Generally, she is goalie. Getting decent action shots in a large arena type area with flouresent lighting is a challenge. My 717 wasn't really meant for this type of photography, but it at least captures the moment for us to remember years from now. We lost :o(

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markvm19-Feb-2005 14:37
Nice, Judy. Brings back many memories of my daughter playing soccer.
Ian Clowes19-Feb-2005 10:52
Hey all you need is a fancy SLR and 400mm lens :) No I've not got one either!